Hill Saddlery Customer Support

How to change your password

How to change your password

    1. Go to my account page or login/register
    2.  Select account details to reset your password.
    3. If you do not know your password, make sure your logged out, go back to login page.
    4. Click Lost your password
    5. Enter your email address that you used when ordering/create account
    6. Then Click Reset password
    7. Check your email(Don’t see it? check your junk/spam box)for the reset password email
    8. Click the reset link in your email.
    9.  Enter your new password. ↓

Note**Your Password must have eight characters and 1 uppercase letter and 1 lowercase letter with and least 1 number.
Example: My12pas1
We enforce strong passwords for our customers protection

  1. If you need help Contact Us

See images for reference.



5. & 6.

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